<aside> ✨ Join Scout Office Hours on Zoom Here Monday from 6-7pm and Tuesday from 5-6pm.



Hey there!

SOH is a virtual space to meet and interact with Scout. While we are all home and socially distanced we can be virtually close. We invite you to our -rebranded- office hours. So, if you're a designer looking for feedback on your portfolio, or design student looking for crit on your type poster, or maybe an aspiring entrepreneur who needs guidance on developing a brand, and even just a curious student who wants to learn more about a design course or professor! We are here as a resource for you and the Northeastern community. Come hang out!

All the Best,

Scout Team


When is Scout Office Hours? ⌚️

Every Monday from 6-7pm and Tuesday from 5pm-6pm

How does it work?

Every week, we will be live in our Scout Office Hours via Zoom! Once you're in, you will be greeted in the Welcome Room✨

Then you will have a few options

Why should I attend Scout Office Hours?




<aside> ✨ Email us at [email protected]
